School Uniform

Wearing a school uniform helps children to feel a sense of belonging and instils an understanding of the value of following rules, as well as ensuring they look smart and are dressed appropriately for a busy day in school. The School Governors have decided that school uniform should be worn by all pupils at Woodland Primary.

Our school uniform consists of:-

  • Navy sweatshirt (£8.75*) or cardigan (£9.75*) with school emblem or plain navy sweatshirt or cardigan

  • White polo shirt with school emblem (£7*) or plain white polo shirt

  • Grey or black trousers, shorts, skirt or pinafore dress

  • Blue or green checked summer dress in the summer

  • Plain black shoes or trainers, or sandals with a back-strap in the summer.

  • Optional navy blue fleece with school emblem (£12*)

  • Optional navy blue storm coat with school emblem (£26*)

  • items marked with * can be purchased via the Parent Pay app and are available in a range of sizes

Please make sure all clothing is labelled clearly to avoid confusion and loss.

It is a good idea for younger pupils to have shoes with velcro fastenings

Book Bags

Strong nylon bags, printed with the school logo, are available to purchase via ParentPay (£4.80*) to ensure reading books and homework are kept dry and safe. Please label the bags clearly with your child’s name.


Children will be expected to change for P.E. The PE kit consists of a blue t-shirt and black shorts or jogging bottoms. These are provided by the school. From home, children need to bring black sand shoes or a pair of trainers.

Jewellery, make-up and accessories

• one pair of small stud earrings are permitted but must be removed or taped up for P.E.

• children who can tell the time may wear a watch, but must accept responsibility for looking after it themselves

• rings, necklaces or bracelets are not allowed as they can cause serious injury on the playground

• make-up, nail varnish, false nails, false eye-lashes or fake tan are not permitted

• elaborate hairstyles or hair accessories are not permitted

Positive Environment: The school’s environment fosters respect and support among pupils and staff. Pupils are encouraged to develop good manners and social skills, contributing to a positive school culture.

Leadership and Ambition: School leaders are noted for their ambition and effective work in improving the school. Their efforts have resulted in a good quality of education for the pupils.

Support for SEND: Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are quickly identified and well-supported, achieving good outcomes as a result.

Behaviour and Attitudes: Pupils exhibit respectful relationships with adults and move around the school sensibly. They are confident in seeking help from staff if needed, and bullying is rare. Pupils listen attentively to teachers and engage in class discussions.

Personal Development: Pupils are encouraged to be independent from an early age and take care in presenting their work. They enjoy participating in various clubs and activities, including sporting competitions and educational visits.

Safeguarding: The school has effective safeguarding measures in place. Staff are well-informed and confident in identifying and addressing potential risks to pupils. Pupils are knowledgeable about staying safe, particularly online.

Overall Effectiveness: The school was rated ‘Good’ in all categories, including quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision.

Quality of Education: Pupils receive strong support in learning to read quickly and achieving well. The curriculum is well-planned and effective, particularly in the early years and mathematics. Teachers and teaching assistants are well-trained and provide clear explanations and encouragement.