Our Outcomes

Children are assessed throughout their time in school to determine whether they are achieving as well as we would expect.

At the end of the Early Years Foundation Stage, teachers judge whether children are achieving what is expected of them in five of the seven areas of learning. Children who achieve well in these areas are deemed to have achieved a ‘good level of development’.

At the end of Year 1 children take a test in phonics called the ‘Phonic Screening Check’. This supports teachers to determine how well they are achieving in developing the skills of early reading so further support can be put in place if necessary.

In 2023, children at the end of Key Stage 1 (in Year 2) took SATs tests for the final time. Along with teacher judgements, the SATs scores determine whether a child has achieved the expected standard, or indeed higher, in Reading, Writing and Maths.

At the end of Key Stage 2 (in Year 6) children take SATs tests in Reading, Maths and Grammar, punctuation and spelling to determine whether they have achieved the expected standard or higher. There is no test for Writing, but teachers use a strict criteria to assess the standard of children’s written work.

Below are our latest outcomes.

Early Years Foundation Stage:

FS2 National
67% 67%

Phonics Screening Check

Year 1 National Year 2 National
85% 79% 77% 93%

Below are our outcomes at the end of Key Stage 1 (Year 2):

Subject Reached the expected standard or better National Reached the standard at greater depth National
Reading 48% 68% 16% 19%
Writing 44% 60% 8% 8%
Maths 52% 70% 16% 16%

Below are our outcomes at the end of Key Stage 2 (Year 6):

Subject Expected standard or better National Greater Depth National
Reading 65% 73% 6% 29%
Writing 77% 71% 0% 13%
Maths 65% 73% 6% 24%
RWM combined 52% 60% 0% 8%

Progress Measures:

Subject Progress Score
Reading Progress Score -1.7
Writing Progress Score +1.7
Maths Progress Score -0.5

Average scaled scores

* For a pupil to achieve the expected standard in reading and maths they must achieve a scaled score of 100+ in the corresponding tests.

* For a pupil to be working at greater depth in reading and maths they must achieve a scaled score of 110+ in the corresponding tests.

The average scaled score at Woodland Primary School for reading is 100
The average scaled score at Woodland Primary School for maths is 100
The average scaled score at Woodland Primary School for GPS is 100

“Great support system”
Parents evening comments
“Thank you Woodland for being such a good school.  My kids are coming on so well.”
Parents Evening Comments
“The office staff are always so friendly and helpful.  Nothing is too much bother for them.”
Parents Evening Comments
“The thing I have noticed most is that the staff care about the children and their wellbeing.”
Parents Evening Comments
“At Woodland i know that my children are in a safe environment where people care for them.”
Parents Evening Comments
“It’s a safe environment”
Parents evening comments
They love to tell me about school when they get home.”
Parents Evening Comments
“My child is very happy in school.  Their teachers have all been amazing!”
Parents Evening Comments
“I can’t believe how much my children have learnt this year. “
Parents Evening Comments
“My son loves school – you can’t ask for more than that.”
Parents Evening Comments
“I never knew the school was here before we moved and now I think it is the best school in the world!”
Parents Evening Comments
“I love to be invited into school – it is always so much fun!”
Parents Evening Comments
“My child is very happy in school.  Their teachers have all been amazing!”
Parents Evening Comments
“I love Marvellous Me – thank you for all the reminders.  You keep me and my girls on-track!”
Parents Evening Comments
“Staff care about the children and their wellbeing”
Parents Evening Comments